Buried Alive

God is an American by pisaquaririse
June 17, 2008, 4:39 am
Filed under: OHeeelllllzYeah!, voices

In Better Late Than Never news–finally!  I only say Better Late Than Never because I’m one of those downer perspectivists who can’t read these sorts of stories without thinking of the many who never got to see their legal rights recognized.  Those who were first to kick and scream just to brim the decibels of human consciousness. 

But don’t let me fool you!  I find this rather *awesome* and encourage everyone to check out the touching photos that accompany these stories.  The joyous weathered expressions in some of these pictures, on the faces of those with decades of courtship, are truly beautiful. How remarkable this must feel. 

And yet only 48 states to go!  Of course the big question in all this: is God first a God or an American?  Will God change the Bible to conform to the American laws as they are changed?  Will marriage lose God’s endorsement?  How does God-America’s legal consultant-view these changes?   As a nonChristian-forcefed-Teh-God-American I am endlessly fascinated by what all that God has managed to get into.  And how many must spend their lives detangling this God Law to have their “God given” rights. 

Only time tells I suppose.

But for now, God can come out of the closet and promise Himself to Himself in the presence of Himself if  his cloud happens to be flying over Massachusettes or California (maybe I should change this post to: God is a Californian/Massachussettan).  Which is still worth celebrating.






Patricia Smith’s “Skinhead” by pisaquaririse
April 27, 2008, 4:11 pm
Filed under: poem, voices

I was just reading my “Poet’s Companion” trying to jog the muse and I found this poem “Skinhead”–used as an example for an exercise on tone and perspective.  The poem’s speaker is a white supremacist.  The author a woman of color. 

The notes on Patricia Smith following the poem say she won a National Poetry Slam Contest.  I thought “Hmm, maybe she’s got stuff online?”  How awesome: I found the poem!  Youtube sucks for a variety of reasons but this isn’t one of them.  Watch:



Ear Candy in ’07 by pisaquaririse
December 22, 2007, 6:49 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized, voices

“Shine” Joni Mitchell

This is the kind of return album only Joni can make.  Pleasant enough to quietly soundtrack a still day and complex enough to split down the middle verse, arrangement, and sound.  She is so sharp.  As always she leaves you longing for those conversations you don’t have often enough with the best friend you wish you saw more.

Read about her grammy nom for “Shine” and other wonders here: www.JoniMitchell.com

“Icky Thump” White Stripes

Jack plays guitar against a backdrop of blues tradtions he chops and slaughters, using only the most ferocious and electric remains, to create his messy and acclaimed cut/paste style.  For many, his is an acquired sound, a new ear for blues that startles the unsuspecting with jumpy volume mixes.  Meg’s style, always suprisingly perfect for Jack’s playing, finds a new direction in the more Celtic and Spanish tracks. 

More on White Stripes here: http://www.whitestripes.com

Inspiration by pisaquaririse
December 15, 2007, 7:56 pm
Filed under: and then there was joni, voices

 Watch.  Then go create.

(warning: video uses a couple paintings of typical nudie art but they are fleeting)