Buried Alive

!!! Radfem *Come To Hay-Zeus* Meeting!!!! by pisaquaririse
February 24, 2008, 7:02 pm
Filed under: Grab a shovel, Interconnected!, Nail the coffin

All right radfems of the Radfem Conspiracy Movement please answer the following… 

Have you or any other radfem you know ever done the following things:

1.  Said those involved in the sex industry do not deserve protection and safety.

2. Shamed or blamed a woman for her sexual behaviors.

3. Shamed or blamed a person for his/her activities or behaviors simply on the merit that they partake in those behaviors or activities.

–Extra credit to those who layout what they define as “blame” and “shame,” and how one manages to hate the system but not the individual.

Go little post…